
Bibliography : Major works

1947 : Karl Jaspers et la philosophie de l’existence (with M. Dufrenne), Paris : Seuil
1948 : Gabriel Marcel et Karl Jaspers, philosophie du mystère et philosophie du paradoxe, Paris : Seuil
1950 : Idées directrices pour une phénoménologie, E. Husserl, translation and introduction, Gallimard (translation of the introduction and notes by B. Harris and J. Bouchard Spurlock, intro. by P. Vandevelde : A Key to Edmund Husserl’s ideas I ; Milwaukee : Marquette University Press, 1996)
1950 : Freedom and Nature : The Voluntary and the Involuntary (Le Volontaire et l'Involontaire translated by Erazim Kohak. Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1966)
1955 : History and Truth. (Histoire et vérité ; translated by Charles A. Kelbley. Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1965)
1960 : Fallible Man (Philosophie de la volonté. Finitude et culpabilité. I. L'homme faillible ; translated by Ch. A. Kelbley, Chicago, Henry Regnery, 1965)
1960 : The Symbolism of Evil (Philosophie de la volonté. Finitude et culpabilité. II. La symbolique du mal ; translated by Emerson Buchanan. New York : Harper and Row, 1967)
1965 : Freud and Philosophy : An Essay on Interpretation (De l'interprétation. Essai sur Freud ; translated by Denis Savage. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1970)
1968 : Entretiens Paul Ricoeur et Gabriel Marcel. Paris : Aubier. (English translation in : Conversations between Paul Ricoeur and Gabriel Marcel ; Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press, 1973)
1969 : The Conflict of Interpretations : Essays in Hermeneutics (Le conflit des interprétations. Essais d'herméneutique ; ed. Don Ihde, trans. Willis Domingo et al. Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1974)
1975 : The Rule of Metaphor : Multi-Disciplinary Studies in the Creation of Meaning in Language (La métaphore vive ; translated by Robert Czerny with Kathleen McLaughlin and John Costello, s.j., Toronto : the university of Toronto Press, 1977 ; London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978)
1976 : Interpretation Theory : Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning. Fort Worth : Texas Christian University Press
1980 : The Contribution of French Historiography to the Theory of History (unpublished in French)
1983, 1984, 1985 : Time and Narrative, 3 vols. (Temps et Récit, vol I, II, III ; translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1984, 1985, 1988)                      
1986 : From Text to Action : Essays in Hermeneutics II (Du texte à l'action translated by Kathleen Blamey and John B. Thompson. Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1991)
1986 : À l’école de la phénoménologie, Paris : librairie philosophique J. Vrin
1986 : Le Mal, un défi à la philosophie et à la théologie, Geneva : Labor et Fides
1990 : Oneself as Another (Soi-même comme un autre translated by Kathleen Blamey. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1992)
1990 : Amour et justice, Tübingen : Mohr
1991 : Lectures 1, Autour du politique, Paris : Seuil
1992 : Lectures 2, La contrée des philosophes, Paris : Seuil
1994 : Lecture 3, Aux frontières de la philosophie, Paris : Seuil
1995 : Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle. Paris : Editions Esprit ("Intellectual Autobiography" The philosophy of Paul Ricoeur ; edit. L.E. Hanhn. Chicago-La salle, Ill. : Open Court, 1995)
1995 : Critique and Conviction (La critique et la conviction. Entretien avec François Azouvi et Marc de Launay. Translated by Kathleen Blamey. New York : Columbia University Press, 1998)
1995 : The Just (trans. of Le Juste I by David Pellauer. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2000)
1997 : Autrement. Lecture d’Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l'essence d’Emmanuel Levinas, Paris : PUF
1998 : What Makes Us Think ? (trans. of La nature et la règle, ce qui nous fait penser (with J-P Changeux). Princeton University Press, 2002)
1998 : Thinking Biblically. Exegetical and Hermeneutical Studies (André Lacocque et Paul Ricoeur). Chicago : University of Chicago Press (Penser la Bible, André Lacocque et Paul Ricoeur, Paris : Seuil, 1998)
2000 : Memory, History, Forgetting (La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli translated by Kathleen Blamey and David Pellauer, Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2004)
2001 : Le Juste II. Paris : Editions Esprit  (translated by David Pellauer : Reflections on the Just, University of Chicago Press, 2007)
2004 : The Course of Recognition (trans. of Parcours de la reconnaissance by David Pellauer. Cambridge. Harvard University Press, 2005)
2007 : Vivant jusqu'à la mort and Fragments (posthumous book), Paris : Seuil

Bibliography : Collections of Ricoeur’s articles and writings edited by others

– Husserl. An Analysis of his Phenomenology (translation of several articles with an introduction by E. G. Ballard and L. E. Embree ; Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1967)
– Political and Social Essays (translation of several essays with a preface by P. Ricoeur and an introduction by the editors D. Stewart and J. Bien ; Athens : Ohio University Press, 1974)
– The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. An anthology of his work. Edited by Charles Reagan and D. Stewart. Boston : Beacon Press, 1978
– Essays on Biblical Interpretation. Edited by L. Mudge. Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 1980
– Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation ; Edited, translated and introduced by J. B. Thompson, Cambridge University Press, 1981
– Lectures on Ideology and Utopia. Edited by G. H. Taylor. New York : Columbia University Press, 1986 (translated into French by M. Revault d'Allonnes : L'idéologie et l'utopie. Paris : Seuil, 1997)
– A Ricoeur Reader : Reflection and Imagination. Edited by M. J. Valdès. New-York-London-Toronto-Sydney-Tokyo-Singapore : Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1991
– Figuring the Sacred. Religion, Narrative, and Imagination. Translated by D. Pellauer, edited by M. I. Wallace. Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 1995

Bibliography : Published Posthumously

Living Up to Death - 2009

Translated by David Pellauer

When French philosopher Paul Ricœur died in 2005, he bequeathed to the world a highly regarded, widely influential body of work which established him as one of the greatest thinkers of our time. He also left behind a number of unfinished projects that are gathered here and translated into English for the first time.

On Psychoanalysis. Writings and Lectures - 2012

This book - the first volume of Ricœur's writings and lectures - brings together texts which appeared between 1966 and 1988. It is published under the auspices of Le Fonds Ricœur.

Hermeneutics. Writings and Lectures - 2013

Paul Ricœur’s contribution to the theory of interpretation, or hermeneutics, is considerable: he ranks among the masters of this discipline alongside Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer. In addition to major works like The , Conflict of Interpretations he wrote many articles and shorter texts which deserve to be discovered and rediscovered. These allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the development of his work over time and to appreciate the full range of his contribution.

Being, Essence and Substance in Plato and Aristotle - 2013

This unique volume comprises the lectures that Ricœur gave on Plato and Aristotle at the University of Strasbourg in 1953-54.
Ricœur’s lectures offer a brilliant analysis of the great works of Plato and Aristotle which has withstood the test of time. They also provide a unique insight into the development of Ricoeur’s thinking in the early 1950s, revealing that, even at this early stage of his work, Ricœur was focused sharply on issues of language and the text.


Philosophical Anthropology - 2016

How do human beings become human? This question lies behind the so-called ?human sciences.? But these disciplines are scattered among many different departments and hold up a cracked mirror to humankind. This is why, in the view of Paul Ricœur, we need to develop a philosophical anthropology, one that has a much older history but still offers many untapped resources.


Ricœur and Castoriadis in Discussion
On Human Creation, Historical Novelty, and the Social Imaginary - 2017

This book features a highly significant discussion between Paul Ricoeur and Cornelius Castoriadis. Recorded for Radio France (Culture) in 1985, it is the only known encounter between these two great philosophers of the imagination. Their wide ranging conversation covers such themes as the productive imagination, human creation, social imaginaries, and the possibility of historical novelty; it reveals points of surprising commonality as well as divergence in their approaches. The dialogue is supplemented by critical essays by specialist scholars in Castoriadis and Ricoeur studies, and includes contributions from Johann P. Arnason, George H. Taylor, François Dosse, Johann Michel, Jean-Luc Amalric, and Suzi Adams. 
